Thanks to our volunteers for a successful Shoal Creek clean-up!

A small contingent of volunteers from Midway Woods and Rivers Alive gathered on Saturday, November 21, 2020 help clean up Shoal Creek along Oldfield Road from Catherine Street up to Memorial Drive.

Here are a few photos from the event.

Shoal Creek clean-up volunteers.
Shoal Creek clean-up volunteers.
Pick Me Up!
Volunteers at the end of a successful creek clean-up.
Cleaning up the creek.
Cleaning up the creek.

Thanks to everyone who turned up for the Fall Shoal Creek cleanup! And thanks to Rivers Alive for coming out to assist, and for providing the grabbers and trash bags to help with the clean-up and for the t-shirts and gaiters for the folks who participated.

The creek is a lot cleaner than it was 4 years ago, but there was still plenty of trash!

Shoal Creek clean up in progress.
Shoal Creek clean-up in progress.
Shoal Creek.
Shoal Creek.