The Midway Woods Association would like to invite all neighborhood residents to join us at Dearborn Park on Sunday, August 8 for a neighborhood picnic! It has been a long time since we’ve been able to safely get together in person, and we’d like to invite everyone to come out and meet some new neighbors and reconnect with old friends! Please join us!
When: Sunday, August 8
Where: Dearborn Park
When: 4 to 6 p.m.
We’ll provide hotdogs with all the fixings, chips and water. RSVP to midwaywoodscommunications@
BYOD (bring your own drinks) if you’d like something other than water.
Feel free to bring a side dish or dessert (optional) — we still want to be mindful of COVID precautions, so we’d ask that it be something that is easy to share.
We’ll meet at the park pavilion off of Midway — hope to see you all there! Bring friends!