Keeping Midway Respectful, Clean, and Fun

Walk - and drive- friendly

The days are getting longer, the temps warmer, and plants are blooming everywhere – Spring has arrived!  Here are some ways to enjoy the neighborhood and keep Midway Woods friendly too!

Pick up after dogs while walking.
Our furry family members make walks more fun, but stepping in poop is a bummer for all. Picking up poop every time is the neighborly way!

Walk against traffic to stay visible to vehicles.
Long forgotten was our elementary school teachings, but walking against traffic keeps everyone on the road safe. Plus, waving to a neighbor from across the street ensures we all can enjoy the outdoors. Stay safe, Respect the rules of the road.

Make sure you can be easily seen.
If you are walking or biking in early morning hours, at dusk or nighttime, wear bright or reflective clothing! It makes you easier for drivers to spot!

Speaking of driving – the speed limit throughout the neighborhood is 25 miles per hour.
With all of the kids, bikers, pets and walkers out and about, please keep an eye on the speed that you are driving. 25 miles per hour ensures the safety of everyone!